Dr. Daniela Radu

NSF PREM IMPAQT Director and Principal Investigator - Thrust #1 Lead

Office: EC 3442, FIU Engineering Center
10555 West Flagler Street
Miami, Florida 33174.
Phone: 305-348-4506

Website: https://dradu.eng.fiu.edu

Dr. Hebin Li

NSF PREM IMPAQT Thrust #1 Participant - Associate Professor, Department of Physics

Office: CP 222 ; Lab: ECS 163
Phone: 305-348-7641(office); -7738 (lab)

Website: https://faculty.fiu.edu/~hebli/

Dr. Cheng-Yu Lai

NSF PREM IMPAQT Co-Investigator; Thrust #2 Lead - Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Office: EC 3242, FIU Engineering Center
10555 West Flagler Street
Miami, Florida 33174.
Email : clai@fiu.edu

Website: https://lai-afm.fiu.edu

Dr. Raphael Raptis

NSF PREM IMPAQT Thrust #2 Participant - Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Biomolecular Sciences Institute

Office: 11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199. VH 203
Phone: 305-348-7529

Website: https://casfaculty.fiu.edu/raphael.raptis/

Dr. Arvind Agarwal

NSF PREM IMPAQT Co-Investigator; Thrust #3 Lead Distinguished University Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Office: EC 3474, FIU Engineering Center
10555 West Flagler Street
Miami, Florida 33174.
Phone: (305) 348-1701

Website: https://mme.fiu.edu/people/professors/arvind-agarwal

Dr. Benjamin Boesl

NSF PREM IMPAQT Thrust #3 Participant and Education Co-Director - Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Office: EC 3465, FIU Engineering Center
10555 West Flagler Street
Miami, Florida 33174.
Phone: (305) 348-3028

Website: https://mme.fiu.edu/people/professors/benjamin-boesl