by Faizan | Oct 26, 2022 | News
We hold public lectures to promote interests in science and technology in the local communities of south Florida. The event at Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, is co-hosted by NSF-PREM and NSF-PREP centers at FIU. How can we learn about the first few...
by Faizan | May 31, 2022 | News
Dr. Hebin Li NSF PREM IMPAQT key personnel received NSF award, Dr. Daniela Radu PREP Project Advisor, and Dr. Cheng-Yu Lai, PREP Thrust #2 Key...
by Faizan | Dec 7, 2021 | News
MRS PREM Research Scholars Summit is taking place on Wednesday, December 8 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm ET. Three FIU students will present at the event....
by Faizan | Sep 21, 2021 | News
FIU is one of eight U.S. universities that NSF is investing in to strengthen partnerships and collaboration between minority-serving institutions and leading research facilities The National Science Foundation has awarded FIU nearly $4 million to increase diversity...
by Faizan | Sep 8, 2021 | News
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The National Science Foundation (NSF) has named Penn State the lead partner to both Florida International University (FIU) and North Carolina Central University (NCCU) as part of the Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM)...
by Faizan | Jul 21, 2021 | News
NSF investment of $30 million will strengthen partnerships and collaboration between minority-serving educational institutions and leading research facilities Today, the U.S. National Science Foundation awarded its latest grants through PREM, Partnerships for Research...